
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hindu God Brahma - The Creator

Hindu God Brahmaji Image

About Lord Brahma - The Generator

Hindu God Brahma is the Generator or creator of the whole universe and first member of Hindu Trinity or Brahmanical triad, he includes second Lord Vishnu-the preserver and third Lord Shiva-the destroyer.

Lord Brahma is said to be the son of Brahman-the supreme energy of male and Prakrti (Maya)-energy of female.

Creation or Birth of Lord Brahmaji

God Brahma is the God of creation and referred to in many texts as self born- Swayambhu or unborn- aja. He is not created by anyone as he is self existent and the first cause of all and existing by his own intrinsically powers.

God Brahmaji is considered as the infinite and the source of all space, causation, time, forms and names, has many instructive and interesting designations. Lord Brahma is the first person who self born and is referred as uncreated creator- Swayambhu and is the single letter- eka aksharam "AUM", theologically.

Philosophically, Lord Brahma is also considered as the first demonstration of one’s cosmos or creation “ahankara” and cosmologically he is the golden embryo-hiranya garbha, the ball of fire from which the whole universe expands. All beings are his progeny as Lord Brahma is the Prajapati.

The forms of God Brahma

Hindu God Brahmaji is,

Pitamaha --  Patriarch
Vidhi -- Coordinator
Lokesha -- Master of the universe
Dhatru -- Sustainer
Viswakarma -- Architect of the world

The names of Lord Brahma

According to Mythology, Bhagwan Brahma is described as springing from the lotus (Kamala) flower that is grown from the navel (nabhi) of Lord Vishnu. That’s the reason that God Brahma is also well-known as Nabhija - navel born.

Hindu God Brahma has got the other name as Kanja - water born and the legend according to Purana is there behind this name. It is said that he was born in water. That seed was turned into the golden egg and later into the entire Universe of Lord Brahma.

The vishnu Cosmic Egg Image --
The lotus flower from which the God emerged himself

Goddess Saraswati-the goddess of learning, is his consort who manifested out of him and all beings of the world resulted from their union.


  1. every god has animal as their wahan as in they loved those animals the most;guru dutta maharaj loved dogs and cow but if u go to his worship side like gaangapur u will see dog are not given even water to drink their treated like some dirt...why??? cant animal get love the way god gave them love.

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