
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Prayers offered by Lord Brahma to Lord Krishna

To personally witness God's pastimes and reaction means Lord Brahma was quite confused and wanted to check his
mystic power, he thought to take test. One day Lord Brahma steals the boys and calves while they were all lunching with Shree Krishna and kept them all hidden and sleeping for one year...

Lord Brahma returned after a moment ( assumed as one year(per our solar calculation))to see what happened actually. Lord Brahma saw that Krishna had expanded himself and transformed into the many stolen boys and calves into Lord Visnu forms for this full one year, so that the mothers of his friends,cows are not disturbed and also to show lord Brahma the supremacy of Godhead.

Lord Brahma was so much perplexed and not able to understand the extraordinary mystic powers of Lord Krishna and then when God raised the curtain of maya Lord Brahma realized his actual position and offered his prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Image - Lord Brahma sees Lord Vishnu

Lord Brahma Is Not Considered As God In Hinduism But As A Creation Of God

Hindu Lord Brahma - A Creation Of God

The Hindu God of creation, God Brahma is among the three Gods that form the Tridev, Trimurti or the Holy Trinity, the other two gods being God Vishnu and God Shiva. In Sanskrit, the word Brahma means masculine Brahman. In Puranas Lord Brahma has been described as self-born, when they depict the story of Brahma’s birth from the lotus flower in the navel of Lord Vishnu at the foundation of the universe.

Hindu God Brahma has got the other name as Kanja - water born and the legend according to Purana is there behind this name. It is said that he was born in water. That seed was turned into the golden egg and later into the entire Universe of Lord Brahma.

According to legend,  Brahma have created eleven Prajapatis named
Pulaha and

These all are considered to be the fathers of human race.

Lord Brahma also created the Saptarshi or the seven great sages as the aim was to aid Him in the process of creation of the universe.

These all sages were referred to as "Manas Putras" as they took birth from the mind of Brahma.

Hindu Goddess Saraswati, is said to be as goddess of learning, and the consort(wife) of Brahma.

Hindu God Brahma's Appearance

Hindu God Brahma's Appearance

  • Lord Brahma wears red clothes
  • Pictured with four heads, four faces and four arms
  • Sometimes pictured with a white beard
  • God Brahma holds no weapons
  • One of his hands holds a scepter in the form of a spoon
  • Holds a string of prayer beads
  • He holds a Vedas and also sometimes a lotus flower


  • The Rosary is a symbol that was used in the process of creation.
  • The Book is a symbol of knowledge.
  • Gold is a symbol of the golden face of Brahma proves that he is involved in the process of creating the Universe.
  • The Swan is a symbol grace and decrement;he uses a swan as his vehicle.
  • The Lotus flower is a symbol nature and the living of all things being in the universe.
  • The Beard is a symbol for wisdom and the process of creation.
  • The Four Faces is a symbol for the four Vedas;The Vedas is a Symbol of his four faces, heads and arms.

In short we can mean:

The Four Faces – The four Vedas (Ŗk, Sāma, Yajuh and Atharva).

The Four Hands – Brahmā's four arms represent the four cardinal directions: east, south, west, and north. The back right hand represents mind, the back left hand represents intellect, the front right hand is ego, and the front left hand is self-confidence.

The Prayer beads – Symbolize the substances used in the process of creation.

The Book – The book symbolizes knowledge.

The Gold – Gold symbolizes activity; the golden face of Brahma indicates that He is actively involved in the process of creating the Universe.

The Swan – The swan is the symbol of grace and discernment. Brahma uses the swan as his vāhana, or his carrier or vehicle.

The Crown – Lord Brahma's crown indicates his supreme authority.

The Lotus – The lotus symbolizes nature and the living essence of all things and beings in the Universe.

The Beard – Brahmā's black or white beard denotes wisdom and the eternal process of creation.

The Vedas Symbolises his four faces, heads and arms


At the beginning of time Vishnu and Brahma came to a huge Shiva linga and set to find its beginning and end. Vishnu taking the form of a boar digging down into the earth while Brahma taking form of a swan began flying up. However neither can find the beginning or end. Vishnu found Shiva and bowed down to him. Brahma did not give up so easily as he was flying up he saw a ketaki flower, Shiva’s favorite flower. He ask the flower to lie about Brahma’s discovery about Shiva’s beginning. When Brahma told his tale to Shiva, he was angered by this. Shiva then cursed him that no one will ever worship him.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lord Brahma - The Generator - The Hindu God Brahma

Lord Brahma - Hindu God Brahma Images - the Generator

God Brahma - with Hindu God VIshnu and Mahesh (Shiva) Picture

Brahmadev - Hindu God - The Generator


Lord Brahma gives birth to Siva. Painted in 1976 Image


Lord Brahma - Hindu God Brahma Images - seated on Lotus flower


The shaded image of Lord Brahmadev

 God Brahma Image - in Meditation Form

Bhagwan Brahma - Hindu God Brahma Nice Picture

Brahmaji - Hindu God Brahma Shaded Image - the Generator

Lord Brahma - Hindu God Brahma Snap